
"Shadow has stayed at the boarding kennels three times since July 2008 and we've been very pleased. He gets plenty of exercise, just the right amount of food, and probably lots of fuss! He's always extremely well looked after."... View All Testimonials >>


The Kennel Cough Vaccine

As from January 2013 we have made it our policy to only accept dogs who have been vaccinated against kennel cough as well as having had their yearly Boosters.

The vaccine is very much like our Flu jab, it doesn't cover for all the different strains, and it doesn't always stop them from getting it, but if they are vaccinaed against it they might not get it so bad, if at all.

Kennel cough is like a common cold, if your dog is fit and healthy they should just shake it off within a few days. Some vets may advise anitbiotics. Benelyn and manuka honey really help.

Sadly it does come to us now and again but it is an airbourne virus and unless a dog is actually coughing you do not know if anyone is incubating it, its very annoying to say the least, but when you do have lots of dogs together it does go around every now and again.

Hopefully vaccinating everything will help it to stay away!

The vaccine is a seperate vaccine from the yearly injection, it is a little spray up the dogs nose!! Some don't like it but they soon get over having it done. And it does only have to be done once a year, depending on the vaccine that your vet uses.

Please ask your vet all about the vaccine, and if you are thinking about using us or kennels in general get it done as soon as possible.

Hopefully we will have a free year of it, getting it last August was the worst time ever, having 14 pups catch it was not nice!
